Engl Ironball Head E606
929.00 €
894.00 €

Apport de 298€
le 2eme mois 298€
le 3eme mois 298€
TAEG fixe dont coût du financement : 0€
le 2eme mois 298€
le 3eme mois 298€

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Oney Bank - SA au capital de 51 286 585€ - Siège social : 34 avenue de Flandre 59170 CROIX - RCS Lille Métropole 546 380 197 - n° Orias : 07 023 261 - www.orias.fr - Correspondance : CS 60006 - 59 895 Lille Cedex 9 - www.oney.fr
EN STOCK - livrable en 24h
Tete Ampli Guitare Electrique Engl Ironball E606 Head 20W Black
Preamp: 2 Channels sharing one EQ (Bass, Middle, Treble)
Presence, Gain Boost & Gain Control for each channel
extra Volume Control for the Rhythm/Lead Channel
4 x ECC83 Master Section
20 Watts (2x EL84 power amp tubes)
Power Soak (20W, 5W, 1W, Speaker Off)
Master Volume Control & Master Volume Boost (MVB) with fixed setting for a second Master Volume
Outputs: Headphone Out
Speaker Out (8 Ohm, 16 Ohm)
Frequency Compensated Out
Serial FX Loop (Send & Return)
Compatible Footswitch: Z-3, Z-4
Dimensions & Weight: 33,5 x 14,2 x 21,7 cm
7 kg
Ref. Euroguitar : 27667
Presence, Gain Boost & Gain Control for each channel
extra Volume Control for the Rhythm/Lead Channel
4 x ECC83 Master Section
20 Watts (2x EL84 power amp tubes)
Power Soak (20W, 5W, 1W, Speaker Off)
Master Volume Control & Master Volume Boost (MVB) with fixed setting for a second Master Volume
Outputs: Headphone Out
Speaker Out (8 Ohm, 16 Ohm)
Frequency Compensated Out
Serial FX Loop (Send & Return)
Compatible Footswitch: Z-3, Z-4
Dimensions & Weight: 33,5 x 14,2 x 21,7 cm
7 kg
Ref. Euroguitar : 27667